Table of Contents


The following page presents the brief elaborated by the contributors of this project.

Working title: The (Other) School: A blueprint

What? - What is the ‘challenge’

The challenge is to collaboratively draft and design a series of tools and approaches that constitute a blueprint for alternative art / design / architecture education initiatives.

Why? - What is the situation that makes it relevant / urgent

The emergence of numerous alternative educational initiatives in art and design says something, and we should be attentive to hear it. The School was initiated as a collaborative experiment in knowledge production and city-making. It’s central programme was structured around a six-month collaborative and multidisciplinary residency. Recent situations in The School evidenced that there was a lack of preliminary research and structuring of the project, resulting in vagueness and frustration from different actors. Retrospectively, through this challenge we will look at the school as a challenge in itself, thinking on the wider temporal and spatial context in which it is embedded, understanding the politics behind it and, reflecting on our experience, we will think how The Ideal School would look like. This is a process that should have been done before starting the project; or at least before the residents came to Hasselt.

When? - Possible moments to make public the project

Who? - Who is -could be- involved

All the residents are welcome to join, in the extent that they wish to. Moreover, people and organisations involved in (alternative) education initiatives and experiments will be invited to join the conversation (Rebekka Kiesenwater, Rosario Talevi, Public Works, dpr-Barcelona…?).

How? - What steps need to be taken